Would you like to help us out at a future event? We are always in need of extra hands. There are several opportunities to be involved in your children’s school activities and events. See below for current openings. We’d love to have you.
Volunteer to create an amazing Trunk for our Bears to enjoy during Fall Fest October 11th from 5:30 – 7pm. Each trunk must provide their own prizes/treats and decorations. Setup can begin at 3pm that day. The crowd favorite wins a prize!!!
Santa shop is a favorite of students because they have the opportunity to shop for family at school. They choose from a wide range of gifts between just a few cents to about $15.00, so there is something for everyone.
We try and help each students stay within budget and choose gifts for every family member on their list.
Our little library has humble beginnings. It started out as an empty classroom and over the years, the PTO has collected and purchased books, shelves, computers, and furniture. Every book is coded, labeled and shelved by us. It’s a lot of work keeping it running but the kids love it and we love seeing them smile.
If you’d like to become a library volunteer, you must be be able to dedicate the same day and time each week.
Every event or activity we create takes time and money. We also understand that not everyone can spare a few hours shopping for items or volunteering at an event so we are happy to accept monetary donations which will go towards our next event.
Join us in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Twice a year, our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need !
Use this referral code JPGB8WLR when you sign up and you’ll get 25 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2024, while supplies last!
Did you know the PTO has an Amazon Wishlist? Most of the list contains items that the teachers have requested. When they are donated, they go to our Teachers and Staff on special appreciation days. And, if you’d like to purchase anything from the list, the school get’s a percentage back via the AmazonSmiles program. WinWin!!!
Every event or activity we create takes time and money. We also understand that not everyone can spare a few hours shopping for items or volunteering at an event so we are happy to accept monetary donations which will go towards our next event.
Add “Aliante Bears PTO” in the Smith’s App. Login to the app, Click on the menu, find ‘Rewards’ and enroll our PTO under INSPIRING DONATIONS.